Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Web Programming tutorial

Web programming isn't easy to learn and it’s hard work to create it. When I sit down to write blog, I sometimes imagine myself standing on an outdoor concert stage before an audience of a million people. Then I ask myself, “What shall I say to mypeople appreciate my blog?” If a million people each spend ten minutes on this site, that’s nearly 10 person-years total.I do my best to make my writing worthy of this differential. I don’t always succeed, but this is the mindset that helps me come up with great tutorial to help this people.

Since I write about web tutorial, I want people to cash in on something from my writting. I want to expand people’s thinking, to raise their consciousness, and to help them push up knowlege from their lives. If my writing doesn’t change people’s
thinking, actions, or awareness, then my value isn’t being transferred well enough.

before talk too much lets continues to the next step that is testing with PHP.You need textpad to write programming on it. After you have writing, you need to save as "you.php". Then, copy inside the folder you have created in C:\webs\test\you directory last week. PHP scripts the code was sometime written inside a tag that just began
You need to add [html] and close with [/html]
Hello World " ); ?>

With your browser, go to http://localhost. If you see Hello World on your screen as in this screenshot, then PHP5 has been successfully installed and configured with Apache.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

PHP tutorial and guideline

After you have installed Apache on your PC, It is the time to set up PHP.PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP Hypertext Preprocessor".It has evolved from the "Personal Home Page" tool create in 1994 by independent I.T. contractor,Rasmus Lerdorf, to track users accessing his website. He developed PHP into a scripting engine with a "Form Interpreter" released in 1996 as" PHP-FI".The advantages of PHP is free download from


It allows anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML to start intergrating PHP into their web pages straight aways. PHP's modular system of extensions allow it to interface with different libraries, such as encryption, graphics or XML and adding further extensions is very simple.

1.First you need to Windows Explorer,
go to c:\downloads\php5 and unzip the file php-5.0.2-Win32.zip into the directory
called C:\download\php5\php-5.0.2-Win32.

2.You now want to MOVE all the unzipped PHP5 files and directories to c:\php.

3.So in Windows Explorer,go to C:\download\php5\php-5.0.2-Win32\ and press CTRL-A to
select all the files,then press CTRL-X to copy them.

4.Now create a directory called c:\php and copy all the files into that directory by
going to it and pressing CTRL-V.

5.If you have completed this step correctly, you will see in the c:\php directory four folders
and over20 files. Now move (don't just copy) the file c:\php\php5ts.dll to
c:\windows\php5ts.dll (or if you don't have a c:\windows directory, move it to c:\winnt).

Now is working Apache with PHP.....................................

1. With the Windows Explorer, create the folder c:\webs\test. This will be our test website.

2. Rename the c:\php\php.ini-dist to c:\php\php.ini, then make the following changes in the
c:\php\php.ini file: (1) doc_root = "c:\webs\test" and (2) extension_dir = "C:\php\ext".

3. In the file C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf, change the DocumentRoot
entry to: DocumentRoot "C:/webs/test".

4. Also in the file C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf, change the Directory
entry to: .

5. Again in the C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf file, add the following lines:

[ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"]
[AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php5]
[Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"]
[SetEnv PHPRC "C:/php"]

6. Lastly, we need to make one last change to this C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf file.
Find the "DirectoryIndex" entry and add "index.php" to the end of the line as shown in this screenshot.

[DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php5]

Add to My Yahoo!

Add to Google

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tutorial of Web

This is the ways how to install Apache software.First you need to download form the
http.apache.org. Download the latest version for the Windowns..After complete download,Double click on the downloaded files to begin installation, then complete the input fields in the server information dialog box like this:

When the setup Type dialog box appears, choose the option to have a "complete" installation. Finally, in the Destination Folder dialog box, change the suggested
installation location to just C:\, then complete the installation. The Apache web server should now be running in the background. To verify this, open a web broeser and type "http://localhost" in the address field and then hit Enter to display the default Apache.
Done! You have successed to create it. Next time I will show you how to install PHP..

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Web site false info

I found out very hard want to create a web server for the user at home, Now I knew some thick and method to create a new server. I am using Apache which is a well-know software in the world, and 65% of the world using it. I begin to learn web programing such like PHP, MySQL and other. Many website provide information and tutorial for the users but not all the information is correct. I had read a lot of book and search information from the network. I knew all website don't provide true value to all of you.